You can make a difference.  You don't have to travel around the world to help people.  Help can start with your neighbors right here in the United States.


An AP can help thousands and we can help thousands of AP's.



Where Do the Donations Go?

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  • Connecting Assistant Physicians to Under-Served Communities

APs Need help to help out the rural and underserved areas of the nation.  Some communities, clinics, and hospitals do not know about this opportunity.  If you would like to see if APs are right for you please visit the Contact Page. 

  • Assistant Physicians Growth

Many Medical Students and Medical Schools do not know about this possible new path.  Awareness is paramount because of the strict timeline to become an AP. 

  • Political Awareness

Many states are in need of a spokesperson for Assistant or Associate Physicians to legislative bodies.  If you would like a AP speaker please contact us. 


Spread the Word

Tell your friends and family what the Doctor Deficit is and the steps that AP's are taking to combat it.